About the company
The South Yakutsk Integrated Expedition explored for coal in the central part of the region.
As a result, a 22 m thick coal seam was discovered at the watershed of the Undytkan, Ukikit, and Elga rivers, within an isolated block of a Cretaceous deposit, together with a coal seam with a thickness of more than 3.5 m to the south of it, in the main area of Cretaceous deposits.
Further research carried out in the north-western section of the Elga deposit
The Ministry of the Coal Industry of the USSR issued a decree to establish Yakutugol Trust in Yakutia in 1966.
The South Yakutsk Integrated Expedition assessed carried out evaluation of resources and coal reservesdeposits.
Estimated resources of coal seams with a thickness of more than 0.7 m were estimated at approximately 20 Bt. In addition, the estimated resources of coal seams of the Elginsky area with a thickness of 2.0 m and higher were estimatedstood at 2.6 Bt.
The South Yakutsk Integrated Expedition continued surveys and discovered numerous thick coal seams.
Additional studies,
including well drilling and mining, were performed to establish the development of coal seams in the Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic deposits. This work aimed at studying the Elga deposit, which was divided into north-western and south-eastern sections.
Prospecting and evaluation were carried out in the north-western section of the deposit.
The results were used by the Sibgiproshakht Institute in a feasibility conditions study in 1989. The study was approved by the USSR State Reserve Commission in November 1990.
Construction of the Elga–Ulak railway line construction was launched by the Ministry of Railways.
Yakutugol State Unitary Enterprise became an open joint stock company with 100% state ownership.
Consolidation of 100% of shares of the Yakutugol Holding Company by Mechel Group in 2007. License acquisition to develop the Elga deposit by an open-pit method.
Start of open-pit mining at the Elga deposit.
Launch of a preparationPreparation plant kick-off.
Acquisition of a 100% stake in the Elga Coal Complex by new ownership/ holder, and the start of a development program implementation.